Seller Information

If you would like to sell on this site please Click Here to register.
 Click here to sell.

Selling an item (or items) online in an auction format can be very effective. We encourage you to post as many items as you like and watch as your product is sold to the highest bidder. Here is some information which will help get you started.

What You Should Know

Before placing your items for sale, you must first register. Select Register from our Home Page navigation bar or click Register. Payment for our fees by credit card. Once you register you may browse through our site but in order to bid or list you will be directed to our secure credit card site Authorize.Net to authenticate your account and provide a credit card. By becoming a registered user you will have the ability to sell items on this site. Our fees are described on our Fee Schedule page.

User Agreement

Please read our User Agreement which outlines the site policies and terms of use.

Selling Items

In order to sell your items in this auction you must be a registered user. After you have registered just follow these simple steps.
  1. Click on the category of your choice.
  2. Fill out Post Auction form completely and click the Add Item button to finish.

Personal Information

You can check your Personal Page which allows you to do the following:
  • View and edit your personal info.
  • View your selling history.
  • View your buying history.
  • See your user feedback.
  • Use the Future Watch feature.
  • Relist your expired auctions.
  • Edit your current Auction Items.