Search Engine

Item Title and Description Search

Noise words: This version of search makes extensive use of the noise words and, or, and not for building logical comparisons in your searches.

Phrases: Searching for an exact phrase is easy. Simply enter the phrase you would like to search for. (ie. fried green tomatoes)

Wild Cards: This version of search excepts two type of wild cards, multi-character wild cards (*) and single character wild cards (?). To search for "fried green tomatoes" or "fried green tomato" try something like this (fried green tomato*) or something like this (fried green tomato??).

Combinations: Using noise words with phrases and wild cards you can build some pretty complex searches. ie.

(fried or green or tomatoes)
(fried* or green tomatoes)

Try all sorts of interesting combinations. You'll never know what you might find.

Item Search

Item search enables you to locate an item by its number. Simply enter the item's number in the field and if it exist in our database we'll find it for you.

If you would like to find more then one item at a time just enter each item's number in the field seperating each one with a comma. (ie. 927156789,927157354,927161657)

Search by Seller

If you would like to find all auctions by a particular seller you have been dealing with then you can do so by using Search by Seller. It's easy. Just enter the seller's Username in the field and if they are a registered user on our site we'll find all the auctions they have held here.

Search by bidder

If you would like to find all auctions by a particular bidder you have been dealing with then you can do so by using Search by bider. It's easy. Just enter the bidder's Username in the field and if they are a registered user on our site we'll find all the auctions they have bid here.